Report to SET

Report on the result of a share-offering Padaeng Industry Public Company Limited Registration No. Bor Mor Jor. 293

1. Information relating to the share offerings :
   - Category of shares offered      : New ordinary shares issued from the capital
   - Number of shares offered      : 75,100,007 shares
   - Offered to      : The ordinary shares were issued and offered to
  n.v. Union Miniere s.a. ("UM") in the amount of
   - Price per share      : Bt13.50 per shares, totaling Bt1,013,850,094.50.
   - Subscription and payment period      : 20 July 2000
2. Results of the sale of shares :
    ( X ) Totally sold out
    ( ) Partly sold out, with ________ shares remaining. The Company has dealt with the
     remaining as follows